Fritz Kohl Furnierwerk


Podocarpus nubigena

Trade Names

Pacific Yew, Manio

Latin Names

Podocarpus nubigena

Similar to



South America


The coniferous tree reaches heights of up to 35 meter and is the southernmost representative of the Podocarpaceae species. Its growing region is from Central Chile as far as Patagonia and mostly in the lowlands there. This tree likes swampy soils and often creates mixed forests with Coigues and other kinds of Cypress species.


In Chile, Manio is used as construction wood and for furniture. Due to its similarity to Yew tree, Manio can be considered as a substitute wood thereof, and the price level for veneers is equal to those of the yew tree, even though the Manio veneers are of considerably larger dimensions than those of the Yew tree.


The wood is whitish to light pink in color and interspersed with many small pin knots which have a highly decorative effect and give this wood species its particular charm. Very often, cross-grain faces are found, which are considered as inferior quality since they cause difficulties in veneer production.


Manio can be worked well and easily with all tools. Planed surfaces become very smooth.


Relatively problematic since the wood is highly prone to checking.


Takes all surface treatments well.


Glue, screw and nail joints can be produced without any difficulty.
