Fritz Kohl Furnierwerk


Which species? Which quality? And: which price?

After the veneers have run through the entire production process they not only have to be costed, which means that they have to be evaluated and priced, but they are also graded into different qualities. Here, all parameters are imported in our merchandise management system and administered electronically – with an inventory of averagely 8,000,000 sqm veneer and 5,500 cbm lumber, it would else be a monumental task to find just the right veneer for you.

Generally, a difference is made between:

  • Interior architecture quality
  • Bedroom quality
  • Living room quality
  • Panel quality
  • Door quality
  • Corpus quality

Wood is an extremely individual natural product. That is why the mentioned qualities are neither standardized nor normed. In fact, every supplier (or distributor) determines his own regulations regarding length, dimension and quality. Sub-grades can also be different within the standard qualities.

Therefore, a quality-oriented company could just grade what could be named as the highest quality from supplier A as only medium quality. As, on top of that, every customer has its own wishes and requirements, the parcels are generally being inspected before the purchase or at least representative samples are being sent in order to agree on the quality with the customer.

What however has to be determined first is the exact number of veneer sheets, the dimensions of the bundles and the quantity of the entire parcel. This happens in the last work step, the measuring.