Fritz Kohl Furnierwerk


16,500 m2 of perfect figure

This unique log is waiting for its buyer(s) at our American daughter company INTERWOOD in Louisville, KY, where they respectfully call this log “King of Eucalyptus”. With a volume of 17m³ and a diameter of an impressive 140cm at the butt, it is certainly not one of the normal representatives of its class. On the contrary, it was the largest (and best!) log that has ever been worked up by our supplier in Portugal.

However, it is not the sheer size that ennobles it. It is more the “inner value” that helps the tree to achieve royal dignity: a dreamlike, even figure that runs through the entire log. In order to bring out this fantastic veneer appearance at its best, the tree was divided into three lengths of approx. 3.20m each and these were each divided into eighths, so that a total of 24 flitches were cut into veneer.

As a test, some veneer packages were smoked, which proved to be a good trial. In this particular tree, the smoking process does not weaken the figure – as is sometimes the case – but rather brings it to bear even more. Whatever you prefer, smoked or natural – 16,500 m2 of “royal” veneer is waiting for you. We would be happy to provide you with details.