Fritz Kohl Furnierwerk


Unique Brown Oak from the French Forests

I About 250 years ago, an oak seedling started to grow in the forest of Darney, a small sleepy village in the middle of the Vosges area in between the cities of Strasbourg and Dijon. At that time, the forest covered about 30,000 hectares, which equals approximately 65,000 acres. After about 35 to 40 years of age, the growing tree saw the soldiers of Napoleon passing by on their way to conquer Russia, not knowing what hardship and deprivations waited for them after being defeated in the end. 

But the oak continued to grow unperturbed, witnessed cruel fights between French and Germans again and again. Sometimes it belonged to France, then again to Germany – until after the end of World War II, when the Vosges finally remained French territory.

For whatever reason, be it weather, be it change of soil or genetic heritage, maybe as well an injury which was the entry door for a fungus – something must have happened, which made the tree develop a rot, which, however, did not influence the technical properties of the wood. 

Usually this kind of brown rot spreads over the complete inside of the tree. The longer the tree lives, the more the rot leads from the bottom to the top of the tree.

In case of this unique tree, the rot did something very unusual; it spread unevenly into the tree.

In the Darney Forest, generations of foresters and forest owners have been using their passion and expertise to create and sustain a species-rich paradise over centuries. And in doing so, they also created this wooden jewel, which is unparalleled worldwide.

Take a look at the pictures and let you inspire by the beautiful design created by nature! Of course, you are also heartily invited to pay us a visit to have a personal look!