Fritz Kohl Furnierwerk

Moabi Pommele

Baillonella toxisperma

Trade Names

Moabi Pommele

Latin Names

Baillonella toxisperma

Similar to

Sapele Pommele, Macore Pommele


West Africa


From Nigeria to Zaire, especially frequently in East Gabon; grows in tropical rain forests. It is one of the biggest trees of the West African rain forests with heights of up to 50 m and diametres from 70 to 200 cm. The Pommele development is relatively rare, therefore, the good veneer qualities are much sought after.


Moabi Pommele is used for exclusive interior design. As the figure can extremely differ – from very coarse to fine, from a very regular to an irregular figure – almost every log is a special unicum. Moabi Pommele is in demand in the USA, Great Britain and in the entire Asian area. Generally, Moabi Pommele – similar to Sapeli Pommele – is produced in the staylog operation to get the best possible Pommele effect.


In comparison to Macore and Sapele, Moabi is of a lighter reddish colour. Most of the time, the Pommele is stronger developed in the outer layers of the log and disappears towards the center so that usually only one part of the log can be characterized as Pommele.


Can be worked quite well with mechanical tools, but fiber tears are possible in the pommele parts. Use of carbide-tipped tools is recommended due to deposits of silicon oxide in the wood.


Good, but slow and continuous drying is recommended as the wood is prone to warping and checking.


Can be stained, varnished and polished very well. Highly polished surfaces are particularly effective to accentuate the Pommele effect.


