Fritz Kohl Furnierwerk

Most Expensive log in Europe

Part 2: The processing into veneer

As the “most expensive log in Europe”, a Figured Maplelogfrom France which was purchased for more than 60.000 Euro, had already impressed us in its round form, we now proudly present the finished veneer, which more than fulfilled our expectations.

The three log lengths were worked up into veneer in the presence of press representatives and supplierstotal yield of 5,510 m² of quartered veneers of outstanding quality could be presented.  In detail, the lengths are as follows:

1st length        4.05 m             2,828 m²
2nd length       3.10 m             1,610 m²
3rd length        2.60 m             1,072 m ²

The extremely wide widths of over 35 cm in the quartered sheets as well as the consistent, symmetrical figure of rare perfection, lift this logfar above the standard of an already noble wood species. The extraordinary beauty of these veneers is difficult to put into words and photos as well.

In any case, we were enthusiastic during the processing of this rarity. And you will certainly be enthusiastic as well when you experience these exclusive veneers in person. We are looking forward to seeing you!