Fritz Kohl Furnierwerk


Brosimum rubescens, Brosimum paraense

Trade Names

Bloodwood, Satiné

Latin Names

Brosimum rubescens, Brosimum paraense

Similar to


South America


Bloodwood is native to the entire north of South America, its occurrence reaches as far as the Amazon Basin. The tree grows in the somewhat drier rain forests and also in drier areas of the Amazon Basin. The trees reach heights of 30 to 40 meters and diameters of up to 65 cm. The best qualities obtainable occur in French Guiana.


Since the heartwood shows an intensive red coloring, Bloodwood is used for many decorative purposes, for example for high-end furniture in both, veneer and solid wood, turning objects, knife handles, marquetries and many more. Due to the relatively small diameters of the red heartwood, Bloodwood is used rather seldom in the veneer industry. This wood is relatively unknown in Europe, but it is of greater importance in America.


The heartwood of this species has a deep red color and partly shows yellowish color stripes and a beautiful golden glow. The light yellow sapwood is sharply set-off from the heartwood. The structure is multifaceted and finely set-off most of the time.


No difficulty, screw and nail joints hold well.


Bloodwood dries easily and quickly without considerable warping.


The wood takes all finishes well and develops a beautiful shine in the end.


