Fritz Kohl Furnierwerk

Goncalo Alves

Astronium fraxinifolium

Trade Names

Tigerwood, Goncalo Alves, Kingwood, Urunday, Zebrawood

Latin Names

Astronium fraxinifolium

Similar to



South America


Goncalo Alves is part of the Anacardiaceaen family. From Guyana and Colombia via Ecuador and Mexico through to Peru and Honduras. Also in El Salvador, Trinidad and Brazil.


Due to its salient light-dark contrast, Goncalo Alves is perfectly suitable for the production of decorative veneer. Its extravagant color combination, which often commemorates the skin of a tiger, makes the wood of the genus ‘astronium fraxinifolium’ interesting especially for the furniture industry and the producers of paneling and ceiling lining. It is also utilized for shipbuilding and for building constructions with extraordinary stress as well as for weaver’s shuttles and tool helves in the high-class sector as a special wood.


In kiln-dried status, Goncalo Alves has a density of approx. 850 - 960 kg / m3, therefore, it is one of the extra sturdy hardwoods. Very decorative, red brown to crimson color, often spotted with or traversed by wide dark brown to almost black veins.


Woodworking presents dif culties due to the hardness of the wood (especially with irregular ber course). Ideally, very sharp carbide tipped tools should be used in order to avoid rapid blunting of the knives. Pre-drilling before screwing and nailing is recommended.


Drying is quite complicated and must be carried out very slowly and carefully to prevent checking and warping. In general, Goncalo Alves is characterized by a good stability.


In general, smooth and clean surfaces can be achieved which impose by their natural gloss. Goncalo Alves takes well to polishes.


Joints cause problems due to high presence of tylosis.
