Fritz Kohl Furnierwerk

Elm Burl

Ulmus carpinifolia, Ulmus glabra

Trade Names

Elm Burl

Latin Names

Ulmus carpinifolia, Ulmus glabra

Similar to


Central Europe


Mainly in France and England. Due to the Dutch Elm disease the occurrences are very rare. The majority of the felled burl trees are already dead, i.e. the heartwood is already stained dark brown. Sought are the still living trees, the heartwood of which is still showing the typical light brown, noble coloring. It can be assumed that in the near future it will no longer be possible to produce Elm Burl veneer.


Very decorative veneer wood, high quality architectural woodwork and high class furniture making. In Central Europe mainly used as accentuating wood for decorative purposes; in Southern Europe due to fashion trends often also used for complete range of furniture.


The color of the heartwood is light to dark brown. Fine-eyed burl veneer with large dimensions and few open defects or bark pockets are sold at very high prices.


There is no difficulty to machining the slow grown grades with hand and machine tools. Rough pieces are difficult to plane and shape.


The burly texture calls for high care in drying to avoid degrading through surface checking and warping. The wavy texture also increases the demands put on machining to obtain a smooth surface without pick-up.


The wood takes any surface treatment well. Filler is recommended due to the coarse texture. High gloss surfaces are extremely impressive.


All wood joints with nails, screws and glue hold well although pre-drilling is to be recommended due to the tendency to split.
