Fritz Kohl Furnierwerk

Hidden Values

Giant Sequoia trees on the American West Coast

Supposedly, there are people who are left completely unmoved by standing amongst an array of giant Sequoia trees on the American West Coast – fortunately, we have yet to meet one such person in the flesh.

Luckily, this fascination is not limited to externalities in this case. The huge underground burls (called Vavona) of these great trees are one of the most visually spectacular wood species on the planet – and what better to pronounce these properties than veneers?

This last parcel, having been worked up here at Fritz Kohl in late September, is proof of this. All ten burls are of an above average quality and showing individual qualities ranging from classic lace to a type closer to Birdseye. The best flitch, out of a total quantity of about 11.000 m2, sets itself apart by merit of a volume of over 1.500 m2, huge bundle sizes and a consistency that would lend itself perfectly to big visible sequences in project work.

Should you be interested in Vavona burls or any of the other 150 species we constantly stock, please do not hesitate to contact us – by phone, by mail or by visiting us directly here in our mill in Karlstadt.