Fritz Kohl Furnierwerk

Local Beauty

Perfect oak from the "neighborhood"

With an extensive stock of more than 150 species from forty plus countries the things closest and, in a way, most important to you, are sometimes easily forgotten.

All the better, then, to have a truly spectacular log right from the neighborhood refresh your memory. As is the case with the enormous Oaktree from Burgsinn that we had introduced on these pages very recently.

Grown less than 50 km from our factory, it has, in the meantime, been cut into veneers here in Karlstadt and, luckily, does not disappoint: consisting of almost 3,100m2 and boasting lengths between 3.15m and 3.60m it is the very image of an architectural log – perfectly suited for yielding huge sequences in consistently great quality.

Wood quality and color are, it goes without saying, equally suited to comply with highest imaginable standards.

Please take a second to have a look at the pictures shown and see for yourself! Should you be interested in this log or need more information about the great variety of veneers we can offer, please do not hesitate to contact us very soon.