Fritz Kohl Furnierwerk


Showroom and Warehouse in Jiashan, China

China is growing constantly and has meanwhile gained enormous purchasing power. As was the case with the wealthy upper class, an increasingly broad middle class is now striving to show individuality and prosperity – and this not only in clothing and automotive, but also in the area of their home and office furnishings.

After more than two decades of intensive market cultivation, the time now seemed right for Allen Sung, our long-term friend and partner in China, to open a permanent presence with warehouses and a showroom. In the middle of the eastern metropolitan regions, exactly in the middle between Shanghai and Hangzhou, everyone who is interested in exclusive and particularly high-quality veneers will find an extensive range from the Fritz Kohl range without having to travel to Germany.

Apropos Germany: The new company operates under the name “Kohlde” (which is unusual for German ears). Allen Sung explains it like this: “Germany (de => first two letters of Deutschland) has the very best reputation in China – same applies to the name Kohl in the veneer industry”.

We have little to add except: “Thank you Allen! And good luck and continued success!”